Milind, a “Global citizen”, is an influential network builder, with a proven track record of transitioning innovative Aerospace Deep-technologies-based solutions to address many societal challenges.
Milind is Founder and Executive Chairman of CANEUS which leads the world in pioneering International Collaborative Aerospace Development for addressing the mid-TRL “Valley of Death”, and the “Centre for Large Space Structures and Systems (CLS3)”, Canada’s first initiative to develop innovative space systems.
Milind led several CANEUS initiatives that captured new “Disruptive Markets”, from Micro-Nanotechnologies (MNT) based Materials, Sensors, and Fly-By-Wireless systems to paradigm-busting Nano-Pico-Satellites (NPS)”. CANEUS is Permanent Observer Member of UN-COPUOS, Accredited Partner of UNFCCC, UN-DRR, UN-Ocean, UN-Water, UN-LDC, UN-SIDS, and donor to the UN.
Milind found this niche following his PhD research and leadership as Chairman of Canada’s Two National Task Forces “Large Space Structures and Systems”, and “Nanotechnology for Space Applications”; and leading Canada’s MNT partnering missions to the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa, emphasizing the need and role of international collaboration.
Recently, Milind is co-leading the Global “Indigenous Knowledge Research Infrastructure – IKRI initiative, to integrate Indigenous Knowledge with emerging Space S&T and contributing to G20-B20 Task Forces covering “Deep tech”, “Space Applications”, “Education & Employment”, and “Women, Diversity and Inclusion”.